Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quit my job

At last I quit Proton a few month ago

After nearly 9 years of working, I’m now unemployed and penjual anggur. It’s sort of liberating but also confusing.To be honest I don’t really know what to think and how to react.Thought I would be relieved but it didn’t. I don’t really know what to feel….

You know, after several years of working, you realized that you spent most of the time working for someone else and not for your own self. Keja macam mana kuat sekali pun, gaji masuk bulan2 macam tu jugak. Promotion n recognition?Tunggu giliran dan cukup haul… of course it also depends on our performance jugak la tapi when you need to sort of beg to have a better appraisal, I think that was the hint.


Konon nak list down all the things I wanted to do when not working tapi tak bergerak pun… banyak rilex aje…. of course kena settlekan banyak perkara pasal nak pergi France jugak la kan. Hanan is doing her Phd in Nevers, France so the whole family akan ikut. Me quitting actually timed perfectly with it. Going to France was just an excuse but I was going to quit anyway. Don’t see bright future where I was working.I can't lie to myself anymore

I love my job but the unnecessary pressure and problems made the decision easier. I hate being labeled and hate people who does not have the guts to talk to me if there is a problem in my action or some other things. Kalau ada masalah, bawak berbincang. Kalau dah agree on certain things, stick to it.Kalau tetiba the decision is not a good one,bawak discuss balik. But that is working life, I guess . Nothing is perfect.

I missed my drifting… missed subjective appraisal…. miss belasah kereta n missed my colleagues. My wife and brother dari dulu suruh quit and find some other job. Prospect kat tmpt kerja lama tak bright. Poor salary increment (bayangkan 2.5 – 5 % je salary increment!??!! kalau gaji besar, ok la jugak) and no clear career path. Yg favoured by big bos, boleh naik gred/pangkat 2 kali dalam 2-3 tahun tapi orang lain , nak naik gred pun macam mengemis. 3 tahun sekali tu kira nasiblah. Department tak mengembang sampaikan org yg kat bawah nak naik tak tahu nak kemana… tunggu org atas berenti kerja or transfered or mati kot baru buleh… nak create position baru?Takdo la tu.... department lain siap jadi division … kami? Puas digula2kan dgn big bos… kata will considerlah… tgh fight la…. alasan je la kan…. ntah la. Kena perform excellently baru bos berani forward tapi masalah nya ada quota la pulak. Katakanlah the whole company excellent?sorii…ada quota. tunggu giliran ye!
C’est la vie… that is life. Kalau rasa nak better, kerja sendiri. Of course tak senang dan tak siapa kata things will go smoothly but at least u are in control of your life. That is how it is